d12 Calendar 2014 - Includes free bonuses!
Who doesn't want a gigantic d12? It's the biggest damage die you get in most games, so why not make it the biggest die in your collection? This downloadable papercraft kit allows you to make a d12 that's about 10cm or 4 inches in diameter. It doubles as a 2014 desk calendar, so it's got an excuse to sit on your office desk in case you ever need to work out how much damage your barbarian's great axe would deal in the middle of a week day afternoon!
The d12 comes in 5 different colour styles, based on the classic elements, so you can choose the one that suits you best!
This free set, which I mostly made just for fun, also includes some cool bonuses:
• A really nifty customisable paper mini: This one's a flirtatious barmaid with thousands of possible colour combinations
• Elemental Icon Markers for use with Kev's Lounge Dungeon Tiles, with all the floor textures available in our various sets.
The Humble Hovel$5.99
Hero's Hall$4.99